Damper Tape SoundGuard Eco Vibrating Tape 100 mm

Vibration damping tape 100 mm wide made of polyester fibers.
SoundGuard EcoVibroLenta 100 is a 100 mm wide vibration-proofing tape made of polyester fibers. The material effectively reduces the impact noise level.

Vibration isolation tape is used in the places where the metal guide profiles of the frame of the wall coverings and partitions are adjacent to the enclosing structures. It is also used as linings for the installation of wooden logs, beams, flooring of the load-bearing plank base on the floor beams.

Non-woven fabric-is a dense, elastic layer of randomly intertwined polyester fibers, evenly distributed throughout the volume.

Width: 100 mm
Length: 20 p. m.
Thickness: 3.5 mm
Density: 350 g / m2

Manufacturer: SoundGuard, Russia

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