Sound insulation of walls - what materials to choose, how to make it, how much it all costs and whether it will be the result that you expect? Here are the four questions that any person who decides to make noise insulation in his apartment asks himself. In this section, we will try to answer all these questions in more detail. We paid special attention to the calculations and service that will help you decide not only on the price, but also on the amount of materials needed for high-quality noise insulation. Choose a system based on the thickness and cost, enter the required area and you will get a complete estimate with prices and the amount of material required.
The problem of reliable sound insulation of the walls in the apartment today affected almost all residents of apartment buildings. Often, modern high-rise buildings are built near the roadway, which, on the one hand, is convenient, and on the other hand, prevents the residents of the apartment from getting a full night's sleep.
The use of rapid construction technologies leads to the fact that the sound permeability of walls and floor coverings is such that the residents of one apartment can clearly hear what is happening in their neighbors.
The market of building materials offers today a lot of modern materials for sound insulation of walls in the apartment. Let's consider the main options.
Sound-proofing plates. They are a pressed plate of various thicknesses and sizes. They are made of mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, foam, rubber or foam rubber. They are mainly used at the construction stage for simultaneous sound insulation and insulation of walls, floors, roofs and inter-storey floors. When installing in an apartment, they require the construction of a frame, which reduces the area of the room. In addition, the final finishing of the walls after the installation of sound insulation is required.
Sound-proof panels. They are solid combined panels, where the layer of sound-proofing material is located between the layers of finishing material ( plastic, fiberboard, drywall, etc.). The panels are convenient for use in self-installation of sound insulation in the apartment, quite thin and light.
Roll materials. They are a number of different coatings and membranes for sound insulation. They are made of both natural (cork, cotton wool) and artificial (PVC, rubber, polyethylene, non-woven fabric) materials. This type of sound insulation is convenient for use in rooms with complex geometries, as all rolled materials are flexible and ductile.
Whatever materials are used to create sound insulation, it is also necessary to take care of additional materials:
Special tapes and tape are used for sound insulation of seams and joints of sheets or plates of the main noise-insulating material. They are made of various materials and are available both with a ready-made adhesive layer and with foil coatings. Ideally, the sealing tapes should be made of the same material as the main sound-proofing coating. Neglect of such "trifles" as sound-proofing tapes can significantly reduce the effectiveness of sound-proofing works in general. By leaving the joints and seams open, you leave the gate open for noise and vibration to enter.
Special suspensions and fasteners. Fixing sound-proof materials on ordinary suspensions for drywall and fiberboard is unacceptable. The fasteners are able to transmit vibration from the walls through the sound insulation layer. "Saving" on the right suspensions and fasteners will lead to the fact that one large source of noise will turn into 100-15 small sources symmetrical to the location of each of the fasteners.
Soundguard offers ready-made solutions for complex sound insulation of walls. The company's specialists took into account all the nuances and subtleties of competent installation of sound insulation systems. The delivery package includes not only the necessary materials, but also professional systems of fasteners and sealants. Just call the Soundguard specialists and specify the area of the room to get a complete set of sound insulation with all consumables. Our ready-made solutions are easy to install and are accompanied by detailed assembly instructions. After receiving the order, you can easily assemble the finished sound insulation and enjoy the silence in the apartment.