How to soundproof with SoundGuard materials

Installation and application instructions for SoundGuard sound insulation materials

Thank you for choosing SoundGuard products. Our company strives to make comfort and quietness accessible and familiar attributes of everyday life. For this purpose, our specialists have developed a wide range of sound insulation products that meet strict European quality standards and have excellent performance characteristics.
We pride ourselves on the quality of our products and are confident that they will protect you from unwanted noise for years to come with impeccable efficiency.
What are we going to soundproof?
Sound insulation of the wall in the apartment

Sound insulation of the wall can be made by frame or frameless technology. The choice depends on the type and level of noise you want to get rid of. The two types of sound insulation of the wall have their disadvantages and advantages. The frameless system takes up less space and is cheaper, but does not have the same sound insulation characteristics as the frame system.

By what technology?

1. Frameless wall soundproofing. (Thin soundproofing)

This type of sound insulation is suitable if you have fairly flat walls and want to get rid of airborne noise. For example, the neighbors have a loud TV, conversations are heard, the crying of a child interferes. With such noises, frameless sound insulation is an excellent solution that will not waste extra space and money.

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2. Frame soundproofing walls.

This type of sound insulation is suitable if your walls are not completely flat and you want to get rid of not only air, but also impact noise behind the wall. For example, neighbors have a loud home theater, music is heard, renovations are in progress, or a dog is barking. With such noises, only frame sound insulation will help, since this is a solution that does not allow structure-borne noise to enter the apartment
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      Ceiling soundproofing

      Noise insulation of the ceiling can only be performed using frame technology. All other options for soundproofing the ceiling do not work as efficiently! But there are options! You can make a single-level or two-level frame and use different types of vibration suspension and thereby achieve maximum sound insulation.

      1. Soundproofing under a stretch ceiling

      This type of sound insulation is used only if in the future you plan to make a stretch ceiling. This is due to the peculiarity of vibration isolation mounts, which, with this system, can eventually settle within 1-2 mm, which can affect the aesthetic side of the ceiling. This type of noise insulation is very effective and allows you to remove up to 70% of all noise and add 21 dB
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          Soundproofing the floor

          Noise insulation of the floor is carried out using frameless technology. The thickness of the structure depends on the type and level of noise to be eliminated.
          Thin sound insulation of the floor

          This type of sound insulation is suitable if you have fairly flat floors and you want to get rid of air noise. For example, the neighbors from below have a loud TV, conversations are heard, and the crying of a child interferes. With such noises, sound insulation of the floor is an excellent solution, which will not waste extra space and money.

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            Soundproofing partitions

            Sound insulation of interior partitions made of plasterboard and SoundGuard materials is the best solution for high-quality sound insulation between rooms. The minimum structure thickness is 100 mm. The maximum thickness depends on the type and level of noise to be removed. The sound insulation index of partitions depends on the thickness of the structure
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