Ceiling soundproofing

Soundproofing the ceiling in the apartment


Sound insulation of the ceiling in an apartment, office, restaurant from a sound insulation studio is a responsible and not an easy task. You need to understand that you can not do with thin, frameless noise insulation. To solve this problem, only vibration-independent frame structures and heavy, sound-proof EcoSvukoIzol panels will help. This section contains all possible options for sound insulation of the ceiling. They differ in the composition of materials, thickness and cost. Each system protects against a certain amount of noise.

Noise insulation of the ceiling in the apartment

The ceiling in the apartment of a multi-storey building often serves as the main source of noise in the room. The trampling of neighbors from above, the working TV or the noise of water in the bathroom easily penetrate to the neighbors. Residents of the upper floor also have a hard time. Used by modern builders for the roof, the profiled sheet without proper sound insulation turns into a booming tin bucket in the rain.

Therefore, the noise insulation of the ceiling in the apartment is one of the conditions that ensure a quiet living of people.

Types of materials for sound insulation of the ceiling

Any building material, in one way or another, reduces the noise level. There are two main types of influence on the sound of different surfaces: sound absorption and sound reflection. Almost any materials used in construction have the ability to reflect sounds to one degree or another. These are bricks, blocks, glass, or concrete. As a rule, sound-reflecting materials are dense, rigid and have a smooth surface. To date, the most effective and at the same time thin sound-reflecting material is SoundGuard EcoZvukoIzol.

The property of sound absorption is inherent in surfaces made of soft, porous or fibrous materials. These are special cotton wool and sound-absorbing boards, felt, fiberboard and chipboard, foam rubber, various mineral and glass wool, foam, cork, etc.

How to arrange noise insulation of the ceiling in the apartment.

There are several ways to install sound insulation of the ceiling with your own hands. Method one. Ideal for residents of private homes. The sound-proofing material is laid between the floor beams, or glued to the rough ceiling made of boards or concrete slabs. For laying between the floor beams, slabs or rolled material made of mineral wool or various basalt sound-proofing materials are ideal. When laying such noise isolators, it is necessary to provide for their protection from the formation of fungus. For this purpose, special moisture-retaining membranes should be used. For gluing on a solid ceiling base, materials such as styrofoam, styrofoam, cork and various types of rolled materials made of foamed PVC, PET, etc. are suitable.

Method two. Suitable for the construction of sound insulation in the construction of frame or suspended streams. To increase the noise absorption coefficient, a special frame made of metal profile or wood is mounted, a layer of sound insulation is placed inside the structure, and the top is covered with suspended ceiling plates. When installing sound insulation, special attention should be paid to the environmental friendliness and safety of the materials used for insulation. After all, for example, getting glass wool fibers on the skin can provoke eczema, and inhaling volatile chemicals released by low-quality materials can cause allergies, asthma or poisoning of the body.

Method three. It is used in cases where sound insulation is installed under a stretch ceiling. It is worth mentioning that the installation of stretch ceilings in itself is not a way to cut off extraneous sounds that penetrate into the apartment through the ceiling. Therefore, additional sound insulation is always required, the choice of materials depends only on the distance between the ceiling of the room and the stretch ceiling.

The SoundGuard company offers ready-made solutions for complex sound insulation of the ceiling in the apartment. Ready-made sound insulation systems meet all environmental and safety requirements, are equipped with all consumables for fasteners and detailed instructions for self-assembly and installation. The combination of sound-absorbing and sound-reflecting materials makes the sound insulation of the ceilings in the apartment with SoundGuard materials absolutely reliable and does not require expensive finishing.

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