Soundproofing and sound-absorbing materials SoundGuard

Soundproofing, sound-absorbing materials ProAcoustic

The SoundGuard brand of Soundproofing European Technologies is an example of high quality and unsurpassed performance, combined with safety and environmental friendliness. Soundproofing panels SoundGuard Panel and SoundGuard EcoZukoIsol, which have received wide recognition from both professionals and consumers, modern vibration isolation mounts SoundGuard Vibro, characterized by special reliability and efficiency, a wide range of soundproof materials, unique in their soundproof characteristics, SoundGuard Seal - all this is a matter of legitimate pride engineers and technologists of the company "Soundproof European Technologies".

Panels "SoundGuard" are a modern and environmentally friendly soundproofing product created using advanced German technologies, safe for use in any residential and industrial premises, with high efficiency.

Soundproofing panel "SoundGuard EcoZvukoIzol" with its small thickness, only 13 mm, allows you to create effective noise protection systems on all surfaces inside the premises. Due to the massiveness, multilayer structure and elastic-viscous state of the unbound particles of the filler, the panels provide a multiple reduction in the energy of both shock and air sound waves in the entire frequency range. Our acoustic soundproofing panels have an advantage over standard soundproofing structures at low frequencies.
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