Ceiling soundproofing materials - Premium system

Thickness - 100 mm, RW = 70 dB
Materials for the frame soundproofing of the ceiling in the apartment - the "Premium" system RW = 70 dB.

Material used:
  • Sound-absorbing plate SoundGuard "Ecoacoustic 80" (7.5 m2 per pack)
  • Vibro isolating mount SoundGuard "Vibro Premium"
  • Vibration Damping Tape SoundGuard "Eco Vibration Tape" 20mx100mm
  • Vibroacoustic sealant SoundGuard 7 kg
  • Sound-proof gypsum board "Gipsofon" (2.4 m2 sheet)
  • "SoundGuard Cover" 5000х1500х15 mm (7,5 m2 per pack)
  • SoundGuard "Membrane 3.9 S" 2500х1200х3,9 mm (3 m2) in two layers

A ready-made set of ALL the necessary materials for soundproofing the ceiling. Construction thickness 100 mm

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